Stepping Out Steps (S.O.S)

12 Step Program/12 Pasados Programa*

Take your first step towards a better life with our 12-step program based on biblical principles.

Da tu primer paso hacia una vida mejor con nuestro programa de 12 pasos basado en principios bíblicos.

Stepping Out steps
Stepping Out steps

FAC Church
859 N. Vandyke Rd.
Imlay City, Michigan 48444

Thursdays/Jueves 6-8pm

We're dedicated Christians providing a safe and empowering environment where both women and men can gradually find their path into freedom step by step. Through Biblical principles, you'll gain the tools to overcome daily challenges and be victorious in your journey.

Somos cristianos dedicados que brindamos un ambiente seguro y empoderador donde tanto mujeres como hombres pueden encontrar gradualmente su camino hacia la libertad, paso a paso. A través de principios bíblicos, obtendrás las herramientas para superar los desafíos diarios y salir victorioso en tu viaje.

person jumping on big rock under gray and white sky during daytime
person jumping on big rock under gray and white sky during daytime

Together we can achieve our freedom taking weekly steps to overcome any stumbling blocks, persistent efforts week by week will bring us liberation from bondage and closer to God.

Juntos podemos lograr nuestra libertad tomando pasos semanales para superar cualquier obstáculo, los esfuerzos persistentes semana a semana nos traerán la liberación de la esclavitud y un acercamiento a Dios.

man standing on sand while spreading arms beside calm body of water
man standing on sand while spreading arms beside calm body of water

Come take your first step towards a better life with our 12-step program based on biblical principles.

Ven a dar tu primer paso hacia una vida mejor con nuestro programa de 12 pasos basado en principios bíblicos.

women forming heart gestures during daytime
women forming heart gestures during daytime
a scrabbled piece of wood that says i am the way
a scrabbled piece of wood that says i am the way
Also Available
Sunday/Domingo Service 2:30pm

Tuesday/Martes Bible Study 7:00pm

Thursday/Jueves 12 Step Class 6-8:00pm

Available Soon
Info for Outreach/Info para ayuda
Individual Prayer/ Oración Individual
Community Service/Servicio Comunitario
Christian Counseling/Consejería Cristiana
Women's Conferences/Conferencias
de Mujeres

a hand holding a light in the dark
a hand holding a light in the dark
Step-By-Step/Paso a paso
stair inside red wall
stair inside red wall
three people sitting in front of table laughing together
three people sitting in front of table laughing together
You can find our books and workbooks in English and Spanish on both Amazon & Kindle platforms.
Puede encontrar nuestros libros y cuadernos de trabajo en inglés y español en las plataformas Amazon y Kindle.
Online Classes/Clases en línea
brown and black cardboard blocks
brown and black cardboard blocks
people outside house
people outside house

Stepping Out Steps changed my life! I am now a confident and strong individual.

Stepping Out Steps cambió mi vida! Ahora soy una persona segura y fuerte.


yellow smiley emoji on gray textile
yellow smiley emoji on gray textile

I never thought I could overcome my struggles, but Stepping Out Steps showed me I can.

Nunca pensé que podría superar mis luchas, pero Stepping Out Steps me demostró que sí puedo.

group of people doing jump shot photography
group of people doing jump shot photography

The support and guidance I received from Stepping Out Steps made all the difference in my journey.

El apoyo y la orientación que recibí de Stepping Out Steps marcaron la diferencia en mi viaje.



Mary/Mari (586) 746-5765